Rent Cost in Brussels

Below is a graph of rent prices in Brussels for the different types of student housing. The black lines show the minimum and maximum rent on the market.

Type of Housing Minimum Rent * Average Rent * Maximum Rent *
Kot (classic student room) 313 € 465 € 617 €
Room at the owner's house 299 € 459 € 619 €
Studio Flat 312 € 544 € 776 €
Shared Housing 343 € 509 € 675 €
Apartment 231 € 459 € 687 €
House 427 € 583 € 739 €
Residence 326 € 572 € 818 €

These statistics are computed from more than 2 000 listings published on Brukot in 2021.

NB: All prices are per person, charges included.

When you compare prices, make sure to account for charges (water, electricity, heating...) to avoid surprises.

Rent varies according to housing quality, size, location, and wether or not you live by yourself or share a place.