Apartment 65 m²

rue de la plume
BK 1177
BK 1177 Apartment

This 2 levels flat offers a large room with a fitted kitchen (oven, fridge, dishwasher, taques, microwaves, wash machine), living space, sufficient storage for wardrobe, a bedroom. Very bright!
Monthly Price : 890€ for charges that include insurance of the flat, internet access, building cleaning every week.
Mostly rent do not includes Water, gaz, electricity consumptions of the apartment

Public transports at 5 minutes walk Subway / Metro “Porte de Hal”, 10 minutes from the station “midi” Thalys and Eurostar.

free from begin of June

Great location, Very easy to live in. Warm and multicultural district in movement, very appreciated by the young generation : galleries decoration, art, numerous small restaurants and coffees,. Close to all amenities, post office, bakery, fruits and vegetables shops, butchers, laundry, supermarkets and swimming pool.

Public transports at 5 minutes walk Subway / Metro “Porte de Hal”, 10 minutes from the station “midi” Thalys and Eurostar.

Feel free to contact us with any question. It would be our pleasure to let you visit it !

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